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Friday, January 28, 2011

Justice versus Social Justice.

Wikipeida presents: “Social justice generally refers to the idea of creating an egalitarian society or institution that is based on the principles of equality and solidarity, that understands and values human rights, and that recognizes the dignity of every human being.[1][2] The term and modern concept of "social justice" was coined by the Jesuit Luigi Taparelli in 1840 based on the teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas and given further exposure in 1848 by Antonio Rosmini-Serbati ….”

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How important is 'Trust in G-D' to us?

This one thing seems to be on a scale of 1==lowest importance to 10 ==highest importance, a 9.99. I take that the Ten Commandments that G-D stated HIMSELF in Exodus 20, to be absolute TEN's, and Trust in G-D is follows closely on those.

What I mean to say is that, we are continually tested to strengthen our TRUST. Trust in my definintion is: "Trust, verb. Having full confidence that the Object(the one receiving the trust) has demonstrated completely the reliability and security which is expected, which was well placed and deserved. In short, without evidence that one can reliably trust, one is only acting on faith.

Monday, January 17, 2011

A request for your input.

There are many events taking place in the world today, and many questions that we would like to understand what is in the Torah and/or in the Tanach. With all of the possible directions to go in it is difficult to determine what You will find relevant.

So I ask that you write to me with what you would like to know or learn or discover.

Either comment to this message or email me at
I also have a bulletin board for discussion at:

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Who do you trust? Why?

These and others, are questions I started to ask someone a couple of days ago. I was also asked questions by this person so that we came to a couple of agreements.

[b]Who do you trust?[/b] My parents. [b]Why?[/b] I don't know, because I have to, I guess.

Would it be fair to say that we should trust those people which have not lied to us? Yes I think that one is good.
[b]How about: if someone is always there to help you when you need help?[/b] Yeah, that one is nice. But, what if they are only their when sometimes when you need help? [b] I don't think I could trust them to be there when I really needed them to be there. Especially if there was not a great reason for them to be elsewhere, but even then I think it would be better to trust in myself. [/b]

What about GOD? DO you trust GOD? [b]YES I do. For the same reasons. I know that GOD has saved my life several times. HE has also healed me in way that medicine could not. [/b] A lot of people don't believe in GOD, what about them? Maybe they are right and you are wrong. [b]Do you know that I only trust the Five Books of Moses and the Prophets of the Tanach (Old Testament)?[/b] Yes. [b]I trust GOD because I have found no lies or change of direct in GOD's Law or HIS Promises. If I did then I would be required to rethink my trust in GOD. So far with more than 50 years of searching, I have not found something that makes me not trust GOD. Nor has anyone been able to show me the flaw/error in my thinking. [/b]

[b]Every person has access to a Old Testament or Tanach or Torah =Five Books of Moses. Everyone can actually look for themselves and should be looking, try to understand. Or ask me your questions. That way we can both learn something.[/b]