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Sunday, August 9, 2009

Tuff Questions about G_D

Today I am asking questions this time, and I would like your response.... if you have one.

To set up the questions I need to present some assumptions:

1)  The G_D of Abraham, Issac and Jacob is G_D

2)  Moses was told by G_D what to write in what we call, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.  Therefore, if the original text is wrong, G_D made it flawed.

3)  G_D loves all of HIS creation, especially mankind. When we make a mistake, we really only need to accept that G_D is G_D, Tell HIM we are sorry(and really mean it), try harder to be better, then almost always G_D is ready to accept us back and forgives us.

4) That G_D has declared many times that HE is the only G_D, None were before Him,  None are beside Him, None will be after Him. G_D is jealous and will not share his Honor or Glory with another.

These seem so straight forward to me, so do not understand "Why does most of the humans on this planet not what to know or acknowledge G_D?"

It seems that mankind looks for any reason to not accept the word of G_D, Why? 

Do you have any thoughts on this?



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