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Thursday, April 1, 2010

I am not to keep the Sabbath and I don't know where to turn for truth

Trust in the Word of GOD! In Genesis 2:2 "On the seventh day GOD finished that work which HE had been doing, and HE ceased on the seventh day from all the work that HE had done. (3) And GOD BLessed the seventh day and declared it holy, because on it GOD ceased from all of the creation  that HE had done." IT is GOD'S Holy Day, --not man's. Keep the Sabbath(Seventh Day) for it is HIS Day, even the ground gets a Sabbath.

Payment for sins, Repent to the GOD Most HIgh and seek HIS Mercy for HIS Name Sake and His Glory, --I believe that we are in the End of Days, so there are special rules for these times. First, when you pray face HIS Holy Mountain (Zion) in Jerusalem, HE Promises to hear prayers sent to that place. Second, trouble will be for the Righteous as well as for the sinner at that time, But if you seek GOD with all of your Heart, your Soul and Being, and Keep HIS LAW  and Keep your Hands from doing evil, GOD will take care of you. For it is your SOUL that counts not the body. The difference between a A righteous person and a sinner is ONE SIN or ONE TRUE REPENTANCE to GOD. (Ezekiel 18 --Your answers are here.) Keep in mind that if you repent, you need to strive with all that you are to not do it again. I know of no perfect people in the Bible(Tanach), only sinners and those who repented and tried harder to walk before GOD. --Don't Stop Trying! You don't need lots of books, Study the Writings of Moses with an open heart, and you will go a long way. If that is not enough, Read the Tanach also. Seek the Truth, Always. In Jeremiah, GOD chose him in the womb to be GOD'S Prophet and told him of all the suffering that Israel was going to receive. Jeremiah argued with GOD, not wanting to do this thing. GOD told him to go into the streets of Jerusalem and find a man that executes justice and seeks the truth, if he could find ONE such, GOD would forgive ALL of Israel, --for the righteousness of ONE. In all Jerusalem not one was found.  So a King wanted a horse, GOD made a deal for ONE Righteous man, both have been denied success.( The first part, about the King is not in the Tanach but is in Shakespeare's is writings.)

Before the Chosen One Comes to do his job in Jerusalem, all Israel's Children will turn back to GOD and declare will all their Heart and Soul, that GOD is GOD, and follow HIS ways truly. This has never been, even Moses complained about this in Deuteronomy 29, we have the worse pain the world has ever seen coming, in order to make us turn to GOD and Acknowledge HIM as OUR GOD and Follow HIM. JUST TRY HARDER, you can do it, --I know you can if you want to. Take to GOD about it, with you whole heart.

For additional confirmation of what I have written to you prior to this,
you must read Isaiah 56!  Even if you are a stranger, you are acceptable to GOD.

Shalom Shalom,


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