2,300+ years of rewriting and we are ???
Let me be explicit in my words. I have searched for the truth for 50 years and I have learned that anytime someone feels that they need to make excuses or perform rewrites, they do not believe what was written. In science this is O.K. because, science is attempting to describe what has been observed to be happening in a way that can predict subsequent events. Because of this an if Apple falls for a certain period of time, we can calculate the distance of the fall. When a theory does not produce the expected answer, the theory is modified or replaced.
To me the Word of G-D is not theory. It is Truth, Fact, the LAW. Not one word will go unfulfilled before the Last DAY. As many appear to believe differently, you can win me over by doing what I have not been able to do. This: Where in the Written Torah, the Writings of Moses, did G-D lie; change the Law(not what we perceive as adding to the law); did not in fact perform what HE Promised? Prove to me this, and there will be reason to not consider G-D's Word to be FACT.
Rather I have discovered that it is we that are failing. We fail to understand what is before us in writing. We we are ourselves are proof(the witnesses of G-D) to be true. Yet instead of seeking to understand the Law as G-D gave it to Moses to be written, we spend mountains of documentation about we someone else has thought and said. For all of the time since Moses and the departure from Egypt we have not been able to see our G-D taking care of us. We can not hear the truth in the Laws Moses Wrote. Instead we seek a Korah that will lead us instead of G-D, and we continue to suffer under the promises of Leviticus 26, and Deuteronomy 28 & 29. For some this seems o.k., it is our tradition. A tradition of pain, suffering and humiliation at our own hands, for we can stop this ourselves, by returning to the G-D of our Fathers. All of this is in the Written Torah, that so many refuse to accept or follow. This time the punishment will be the worst.
Think about it, ...We can physically go around the world in less than 18 minutes. We can talk to almost anyplace on earth. We can destroy thousands of miles of earth in moments using atomic power and make it unusable for decades without any life. Last there are Billions of people filling the earth to over flowing so that water, food are scares in many places. The Nations of the World are lining up against the Land of Israel, which could disappear in a flash of atomic light in seconds. The Land of Israel is G-D's Own, and we are only allowed to reside when we follow HIS Law. I don't believe that we have been even trying to know HIS Law, let alone to truly follow HIS Law, but G-D says we will finally turn back and declare HIM KING and Follow HIS Law. This is also from the Written Torah, where HIS Promises are recorded. We are HIS Witnesses, to the totality of MANKIND!
Genesis 12:3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and him that curseth thee will I curse; and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed.' --to Abram.
Genesis 28:13 And, behold, the LORD stood beside him, and said: 'I am the LORD, the God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac. The land whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed. --To Yaakov.
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