When I look around at the world by, attending to the news services, listening to people, studying and thinking, I am stunned into silence. Is there anyone I can model my life after? What do you think, how do you choose to model your life after? Well if you know a Righteous Person(one identified by their actions and life examples) you have an example of how to live, maybe!
We are continually presented with stories starting out like: This Rabbi did this . . . ! ; That Bishop did … . . . ! ; In Berkeley California, they …. ! ; This Republican Senator or Democrat Congressman/woman did such and so; and on and On and ON, –Enough!
It does not matter how people are identified by: race, creed, position, educational degree, community, religious affiliation, but every one of us can have the worst thoughts and actions. Is this because we are made from dirt that we focus on dirt? . Your soul came to you Holy and from G-D, so: You don't have to be dirt. You don't have to stay or act as dirt. All you MUST do is turn to back G-D, Humble Yourself before the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth and say “I am sorry for … . . . , please forgive me, teach me right from wrong and have mercy upon my soul.” That is the easy part, the hard part is taking control of yourself. Ezekiel Chapter 18 explains this in detail.
In Isaiah 56:1 …. Observe what is right and do what is just... 2) Happy is the man that does this, The man who holds fast to it: Who keeps the Sabbath and does not profane it: Who keeps his hand from doing any evil.”
In Malachi 3:22(or 4:4)) “Remember ye the law of Moses MY servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, even Statues and ordinances.”(JPS1917).
I would seriously suggest that we study to understand what is in the five books of Moses, for from that then rest of the Old Testament/Tanach shows a history of Good vs. Bad behavior and the results, along with the prophets which are calling US back to G-D before it is too late.
I have a role model, the Torah is where I learn and seek that which is right.
Seek Truth, Love Justice, Trust the LORD
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