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Monday, April 20, 2009

What will you answer?

In the not very distant future, each of us will be made to face our actions and our in-actions. This will not be as a group, club, town, family, state, country or race --to be sure that those are all important, it is our own actions and choices that will be judged. Be sure that even if you deny G-D and all of the Laws presented by Moses, you are being judged and the effects carry-on long after you are gone.

You may well ask, “How can this be?”, I am after all: just doing what I am shown; told to do; doing the best I can; a woman; a child; a man; have no reason to believe in ___; an atheist; …. Go ahead pick a cause, fill in the blanks, decline to decide, it does not matter how you see IT –You are seen. You are seen by G-D. You are seen by: your son; daughter; the traffic camera on the corner; other people in the coffee shop; other drivers; people on the bus that passed while you were going to the store;.... What you do, what you say, how you act, how you re-act, how you vote, what you write,.....ok, maybe you get the point, every choice you make effects every person that has seen, heard, felt or has received an outcome from your actions are effected by your choices.

The Torah says that the LORD brings the punishment upon the 3rd and even the 4th generations. I say that your actions speak clearly and distinctly to those generations. We instruct others by our choices and our actions, all the more so when we are unaware that we are doing so. When We teach HATE, dishonor, our morals, our ethics, stealing, lying, selflove, compassion, honor, faith or anything else about Right and Wrong, our demonstrated beliefs cause the generations after us reap the results. Go ahead, really take a look at your actions and choices today. Can you see how what you do matters to so many? Maybe you can think about yesterday also.

I know that G-D is Alive and that there is only One. I also know that there is only truth in the TORAH. The statements of right and wrong are needed, they tells us how to have a whole and healthy life and a safe, healthy World. We are accountable to G-D and to our families, friends and the world.

So when G-D answers that question: Is this True?, Or if you can not deal with that, Who gave you your values? Who are you showing those values to? Is this really the result you want from your life? How about for you child or children or for anybody else, is this really going to make you look good?
What is you answer, NOW?

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